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Kelly Gill

EP011- Whole year since taking action on my dreams

June 27, 20233 min read

“Live a life by design, not default" - Carrie Green

The Guest Book Podcast - EP011- Whole year since taking action on my dreams

It's been a year since I took massive action towards my dreams, and it's been a rollercoaster of emotions. On Wednesday 4th May 2022, my Dad passed away. This was a heartbreaking and traumatic experience for me and my family, and it was a turning point for me. I knew that I couldn't go down the same dark road of grief again, not when I had a 3-year-old daughter who had just lost her Grandad. I had to be strong for her, and for myself.

I took action towards my dreams to create a better life for my daughter and I. I knew that if I didn't take action, we would be stuck in a cycle of grief and sadness. Taking action was the only way to move forward and to create a brighter future for us.

I'm proud of myself for taking action and for believing in my dreams. I'm also proud of myself for being strong and for pushing through the grief and sadness. It's been a whole year since I took action towards my dreams, and I'm excited to see what the future holds.



What I've learnt

It has been an entire year since I decided to take action on my dreams. It took a lot of courage to believe in myself and to start investing in my mindset. Through heartbreak and grief, I realised so much. I realised that my dad had dreams and goals that he never took action on. This thought made me think of my daughter and how she would feel if I didn't take action on my dreams.

I decided to redirect my grief and in doing so, I found a part of me that had been calling my name all these years. I chose to focus on inspiring myself and doing things that lit me up and made me happy. I also took notice of my limiting beliefs and worked on reframing my mind.

It's been an incredible journey since I started taking action on my dreams. I'm so proud of myself for believing in myself and for taking the necessary steps to make my dreams come true. I'm grateful for the growth I have experienced and I'm excited to see what the future holds.

So I ask you to think about your dreams, are you taking action or are you just sitting there not doing anything about them? Do your dreams feel out of reach or too BIG? Well just know you can achieve absolutely you want to!

Just start by taking baby steps, you don't have to have everything figured out!

In fact its good to leave room for growth and natural opportunities to come your way, thats exactly what I've done.

The easiest and fastest way our children can start living a life of their dreams is by watching us take action on our own.

Yup! Its that easy.

It's going to be hard as well though, as we have to find courage, push through our own crap and start to evolve and grow. But in doing so our children will naturally start to walk the way, its like them getting permission without us giving them permission, because they are constantly looking up to us and mirroring us they will naturally follow our lead.

So start taking those small steps in the years that come our little ones will start to create the life of their dreams just by us living ours.

I hoped you got a lot for todays incredible episode, I know I did.

Let me know which tip your found most helpful over on Instagram or if you want to be a guest on the Podcast CLICK HERE and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Until next time, happy taking action on your dreams,


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Kelly Jayne Gill

Kelly Jayne Gill is the Founder and Creator of The Wedding Planning Collective, The Guest Book Podcast and the Wedding Planning Membership Site The Academy.

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